About the Club
EtA Club provides accredited investors opportunities to co-invest in the acquisitions of stable and scalable $500K-7M EBITDA firms, led by qualified and motivated entrepreneurial buyers, many of whom will assume management of their firms post-acquisition. Each deal is vetted by Club management before being introduced to our member base. The unique focus of the Club enables business buyers to timely and efficiently access our Club members - an accredited and diverse investor base with demonstrated interest in investing in entrepreneurial acquisitions. The Club’s deal flow enables members to invest in Independent Sponsor and Self-Funded Search deals.
EtA Club’s member base is comprised of accredited investors with diverse professional expertise. Our members backgrounds and experience enable them to provide operational value as investors.
If you would like to join EtA Club, verify your accredited status and join here.
Equity ownership of well managed small firms in durable industries with $5m to $70m of revenue and $500K-$7M in EBITDA offers favorable returns when diversified over a long-term liquidity horizon. Three strategic pillars are of unique focus, (1) the quality and commitment of the buyer, (2) the resilience of the company and (3) the entry point valuation. Below is the general investment process the Club facilitates.
Through strategic partnerships, professional connections, and member contributions, the Club receives access to a diverse set of investment opportunities across the small firm private equity space.
EtA Club maintains relationships with entrepreneurs seeking financing for acquisition opportunities. We get to know entrepreneurs throughout their acquisition search process, enabling us to gauge their ability to manage and lead small firms.
EtA Club management reviews deal flow on a weekly basis. Investment opportunities and buyers are reviewed on a deal-by-deal basis. We employ the help of a network of advisers to gain industry-specific insight, helping ensure the quality of deals made available to Club members.
Members receive access to all deals made available through the Club platform. Members have the opportunity to engage with buyers and negotiate terms at their discretion. Minimum investment amounts vary on a deal-by-deal basis.
Some members will have the opportunity to assume board positions in an acquired business (depending on investment size, fit, and acquirer needs), while others will invest more passively. Post-acquisition and throughout a firm’s operating phase, company management will have access to EtA Club's resources and network.
“Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years.”

Join the Club
Qualified and vetted deal flow (15-30 deals/year)
Motivated and capable management focused on generating growth multiple expansion upside
Profitable and scalable small firms
$5-70M Revenue
$500K-$7M EBITDA
25-30% Estimated Target IRRs
3-6x entry multiples